Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL bag 25 kg Mapei

Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL bag 25 kg Mapei

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Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL is a pre-mixed powdered plastering mortar, composed of natural hydraulic lime. Brikum Construction Materials.


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Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL is a premixed powder plaster mortar, composed of natural hydraulic lime (NHL) and Eco-Pozzolana, natural sands, special additives and microfibers, with very low emission of volatile organic substances (EMICODE EC1 R Plus), according to a formula developed in MAPEI's research laboratories. In accordance with the EN 998-1 standard, the product is classified as GP: “General purpose mortar for interior/exterior plastering”, category CS II.


  • Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL, after mixing with water, which must be carried out with a continuous mixing machine or in a concrete mixer, is transformed into a base plaster of plastic-thixotropic consistency, easily workable by machine or with a trowel, either in vertical surfaces or ceilings
  • Mortars made with Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL have very similar characteristics in terms of mechanical resistance, elastic modulus and porosity, to those of lime-based, pozzolana-lime or hydraulic lime-based mortars originally used in the construction of buildings.
  • Regarding such mortars, however, Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL has properties that make the product resistant to different chemical-physical attacks, such as, for example, freeze/thaw cycles, the leaching action of water stormwater, the alkali-aggregate reaction and the appearance of plastic shrinkage cracks
  • In the technical data table (in the Application Data and Final Performance sections) some typical values ​​are presented, related to the main characteristics, both in fresh and hardened states, of Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL



  • In the presence of capillary moisture rises and sulfate salts, use the dehumidifying sanitation cycle consisting of Mape-Antique Rinzaffo and Mape-Antique MC, or Mape-Antique CC, or Mape-Antique LC mixed with aggregates of adequate granulometry
  • When it is difficult to carry out an adequate and careful washing of the wall (e.g. indoors) or in the presence of a composite wall, before applying Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL, in any case, carry out a minimum wetting of the support and spread a layer of Mape-AntiqueRinzaffo, in order to guarantee the correct adhesion of the plaster
  • Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL must be applied in a thickness of not less than 10 mm
  • Do not use Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL as mortar to pour into formwork (use Mape-Antique LC, mixed with an aggregate of adequate grading)
  • Do not use Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL as a consolidating grout to inject into structures (use Mape-Antique I or Mape-Antique F21)
  • Do not use Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL to carry out “armed” plasters (use Mape-Antique Strutturale NHL)
  • Do not use Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL to make joints in factories (use Mape-Antique Strutturale NHL or Mape-Antique Allettamento)


  • Plastering, by machine or by trowel, of existing stone, brick, tuff and mixed masonry, whether of historical or artistic value or newly created, before the application of low thickness colored paints or coatings
  • Plastering flush with the stone of walls not subject to capillary rises of humidity
  • Reconstruction of old lime-based plasters, degraded by atmospheric agents, environmental conditions or the passage of time

Some application examples

  • Creation of new breathable plasters, by machine or by trowel, inside or outside, on stone, brick, mixed tuff walls, not subject to capillary rises of humidity
  • Carrying out new plasters or reconstruction of existing ones based on lime and/or mechanically weak, stone masonry, brick, mixed tufo, even of historical value, under the supervision of the competent Administration
  • Carrying out “patch-up” interventions or replacement of elements in walls that present gaps and/or discontinuities
  • Filling joints between stone elements, tufo brick in “face” walls


  • Approx. 14.5 kg/m² (per cm thickness)



  • Light hazelnut



25kg bag

Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL
Mape-Antique Intonaco NHL bag 25 kg M...

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